Cleaning Tips for Moving to a New Home | How to Deep Clean Your New Home Before You Move In

Cleaning Tips for Moving to a New Home / How to Deep Clean Your 

New Home Before You Move In

A thorough cleaning is recommended when moving house, and you should make sure you have a

 checklist for bedrooms, bathrooms, and the kitchen in particular.

With so many tasks to complete when moving house, cleaning before moving is always last on the 

list for many


Cleaning the house in a new house will seem very easy to you along with your daily tasks to keep

 an inhabited house clean and organized. There are no trinkets to dust and no furniture to move.

 Just go room by room and clean everything.

Hopefully the previous owners left everything at least swept with a broom. How much house cleaning

 you do will depend on whether the previous owners had pets or children, and how clean is "clean

 enough" for you.

How to Clean Your New House

Some cleaning experts say they spend most of their time cleaning their kitchen. Between refrigerators,

 stoves and cabinets, it's no wonder! The following cleaning tips will make it easy.

It can often be confusing to know where to start cleaning, but before you do, you will need to do some

 preparations to make sure your home is in order. This involves making sure to check for surface

 damage to walls fixtures in your new home. Repairing them before you move in will make it much

 easier to move things around and clean your home. We have put together a list of things to do before

 you start cleaning;


  • Check for loose nails, screws or hooks sticking out of your walls or fasteners and remove

  • Test all light switches and sockets to make sure they work

  • Dust each room to remove dirt and dust, focus on corners, windows and doors



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Cleaning the Bathroom

This is one of the areas that will probably need a good cleaning before moving in, but you may 

not know where to start with cleaning. You need to make sure everything is neatly cleaned and prepare

 for some touch-ups so you don't have to do it at a later date. We've put together a bathroom cleaning

 checklist that should help you get the job done.


  • Clean the extractors first as they can contain a lot of dust and cause a mess.

  • Apply a grout cleaner early and let this time soak in

  • Next, you should thoroughly clean the walls, doors, and fixtures with an all-purpose cleaner.

  • Scrub the bath to make sure you remove any dirt.

  • Clean the toilet with a specialized cleaner, be sure to clean the base as well

  • Vacuum the floor to remove loose dirt and dust before mopping


Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

Another area of ​​the house that could have been neglected is the kitchen, so make sure you have 

time to clean the kitchen. There are a lot of things in the kitchen that probably haven't been cleaned

 in a while and will need some attention. Our kitchen cleaning checklist includes everything you need

 to consider when cleaning;

  • The oven will more than likely have been neglected, so clean it thoroughly

  • If your new home comes with some appliances, you should give them a thorough cleaning

     inside and out

  • This includes refrigerators, microwaves, freezers and other appliances

  • If you bring your own appliances, also clean them before turning them on

  • Be sure to scrub the countertops so that they are clean and free of bacteria

  • Finally, vacuum and dry the floors to remove any loose dirt


Bedroom Cleaning

One of the last areas in your new home that you should make sure you clean is the bedrooms to

 make sure they are ready to move into. This should not usually require as much cleaning as the 

other areas, but you should clean them before moving your belongings. Follow our checklist for 

cleaning bedrooms;

  • Dust all over the bedroom to remove dirt and draw attention to window sills and doors

  • If there is built-in furniture, make sure you give the shelves inside a good cleaning

  • Make sure you clean the windows as these will probably have been missed

  • Finish by cleaning the floors


It pays to rent or buy a steam cleaner or hire someone to steam clean for you. Steam cleaning

 removes hard stains and provides a deep cleaning, even getting rid of pet odor.

You can also steam clean sealed wooden floors if you have the right equipment. Do not steam

 clean unsealed wood floors, as water can penetrate and damage the floor. Murphy's Oil Soap also

 does a good job of cleaning hardwood.

Finishing Touches

There are also some final pieces that you should consider before you start moving your belongings

 to the new home. If you have any carpets in your house, then now is the perfect time to give them

 a deep cleaning so you do not have to do it later. The carpets are more than likely that they have

not been cleaned in a while so give them some attention. While not essential, outdoor cleaning can

 also really make your cleaning ready to move in. Give your outdoor windows a clean, or find a local

 window cleaner to do it for you.

And now you should be ready to move into your new home. Cleaning your home first is important 

to make sure you move into your home and feel happy. Moving into a dirty home and having to clean

 at a later time can take away the excitement of moving in. Doing this first is always perfect.



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